GlobalPlatformとOracleによるSecure Element for IoTワークショップ(無料)
DAY 1 (April 13)
- Welcome from GP and Prime Sponsor(s)
- GlobalPlatform SE Overview
- Java Card Overview
- GlobalPlatform SE for IoT
- Break
- Java Card for IoT
- Attestation
- Demonstration Hall Appointments
DAY 2 (April 14)
- Welcome from GlobalPlatform and Prime Sponsor(s)
- Onboarding Technologies - DLOA and MUD Files
- Device Connectivity based on SIM Application Engine
- Break
- Multiple Independent OS on Tamper-resistent Platform
- GSMA IoT Safe - Robust and Effective IoT Security at Scale
- Multi-Cloud Authentication and Secure Communication using Java Card
- Demonstration Hall Appointments
DAY 3 (April 15)
- Demonstration Hall Appointments